This trilogy is a mystery/sci-fi/technothriller exploring urban myths, ancient legends, quantum science and new-age spirituality. Out of the book’s many genres, mystery and adventure were singled out to create the editorial atmosphere. An ancient artifact header image is used across all the books to help brand the trilogy. Fire elements in the compositions point to the novel’s apocalyptic setting, while distinct composite illustrations are used on each of the covers, always depicting scenes from the books. Textured fonts with glowing edges conjure an atmosphere of fantasy, adventure, and found treasure.

The production of the book trailer was a lot of fun. It was filmed at my friend’s cottage in northern Ontario. I built all the props out of carboard, newspaper, and masking tape. Acrylic latex was used to craft the mummy’s skin, and yes that’s me in the monk costume. I edited the video on Adobe Premiere and produced the sound track on Logic. Adobe After Effects was used for the map animation, the special glow effects on the cube artifact, and colour correction.